Mid-Way Regional Airport

Airport Office




Mid-Way Regional Airport is a partnership between the City of Waxahachie and the City of Midlothian.


The airport opened in October 1992 to serve a rapidly growing area. It has been designed for expansion in order to meet future aeronautical business and traffic needs.




Located underneath Class B airspace

Airport Identifier: KJWY

Location: Latitude: 32-27-22

Longitude: 96-54-45

Elevation: 713'

UNICOM: 122.975Mhz

AWOS 119.575

AWOS Phone: 972-937-4747    

Lights: High-Intensity Pilot Controlled

GPS WAAS Approaches

PAPI IV to Runway 18 & 36

6,500' runway with full-length parallel taxiway
accommodating all aircraft to 90,000 lbs.


Mid-Way Regional Airport KJWY
131 Airport Drive Midlothian, Texas 76065  


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